As you rest, please consider a gift to yourself; I am a strong proponent of knitters learning to crochet and crocheters learning to knit. Perhaps you knitters have a hook laying about and you crocheters a set of random needles? Both fiber arts are fantastic, having unique properties and textures. They also play very well together, as edgings or completely intermingled in projects.

So, here are some links to videos that will teach you to do the knitted cast on and to do the chain stitch, for knitting and crochet respectively. If you can do either of these base steps, then you can do all of it. If you are brave enough to take a look at them and to try, then you are brave enough to add the opposite skill to your fiber tool chest.
How to do the Knitted Cast On - the base row for your knitting
How to do the Chain Stitch - the base row for your crochet (this video also has how to do single crochet, the next step)
Both videos have a little refresher on how to make a slip knot at the start, so if you have any friends who do neither, then feel free to challenge them to learning something new, too.
Since you are taste testing these skills, you may want to take it a step further as you plan your new year. Below are the dates of the beginning levels of both.
Beginning Knitting:
Saturdays, January 15, 22, and 29 @ 4 to 6 pm
Wednesdays, February 9, 16, and 23 @ 6 to 8 pm
Saturdays, March 2, 9, and 16 @ 4 to 6 pm
Beginning Crochet
Saturdays, February 12, 19, and 26 @ 4 to 6 pm
Advanced Beginning Crochet
Tuesdays, March 22, 29 and April 5 @ 6 to 8 pm